Springfields: Rock and or roll in general, natty boh, oh, and who
can discredit Ike Turner or the likes of Sunny and Cher.
E.C.: How long have you been together?
Springfields: Since the dawn of all creation.... or six years,
witchever is easier.
E.C.: Who came up with the name and how did it come
Springfields: Curtis had a dream in which Jesus Christ himself
came to him and said upon to him, thy shall inherit
musical abiliteis and join a band. At that junction, a
giant hole opened in the earth, and came forth Satan
in the form of Rick Springfield, who promptly ate
Jesus and named us accordingly.
E.C.: What inspired each of you to be in a punk band?
Chad Springfield: I wanted to get revenge on
everybody who ,uh, who, uh, thought the stuff they saw
on MTV or heard on the radio was punk. And that I
wanted to show everyone that punk rock was not cool.
And Natty Boh was my inspiration.
Cameron Springfield: I had to do something with my
Curtis Springfield: A fat kids gotta do something
with his time when hes not masturbating. And Natty
Boh. And “The Ladies”
E.C.: Do any of you have any other outlets, such as
writing, art, etc.?
Springfields: We type up interviews...
E.C.: How would you describe a live Springfields show?
Springfields: Def Leapord with eight combined arms. And lots and
lots of Natty Boh.
E.C.: What has been the most outrageous thing that has
happened to you as a band, either live, studio, or in
Springfields: The time we did a six moth stint with The Stones in
December ‘72. That Mick, he does some outrageous shit.
E.C.: I got a chance to hang out with Chud and Michael
Graves when they were in The Misfits and found them to
be genuinely nice guys. You opened up for Graves
during a tour recently, how was that?
Springfields: It was great, they were great guys. A good time was
had by all. And Graves drank Natty Boh.
E.C.: Congratulations on being signed to VMS. How did
you get signed? Did you send in a demo? Did they see
you live?
Springfields: Adam saw us live. While he was watching us play,
our inside operative kidnapped his stupid little dog.
We later ransomed the stupid little dog for a record
E.C.: From the songs on this album I see you guys as a
fun loving band into the same things as me: dirty sluts, drinking natty bo, dating prissy daddy's
girls, getting fired from shitty jobs, and a bit of philosophy (running through my mind) is this a good
picture of the whole band or one mad genius inparticular?
Springfields: They have Natty Boh in Ohio?!
E.C.: If each of you could fight on celebrity boxing
anyone you wanted who would you fight and why?
Chad Springfield: Dale Earndhart, Cause all
Id have to do is kick his lifeless corpse all over the
ring. And because he has a mustache. “YOU DONT WANT
Cameron Springfield: Britney Spears, cause even if
I lost i could probably still cop a couple cheap
Curtis Springfield: Nobody, cause Im a lover not a
fighter. But if I had to unleash the beast, Gary
Coleman would catch an ass whuppin, cause hes little
and I think I could take him.
E.C.: Who wouldn't you fight and why?
Chad Springfield: Michael Jackson, cause thats just
fuckin gross. Who’d want to put their hands on a freak
like that? And I dont think I could hit a girl.
Cameron Springfield: Cory Feldman, cause I wouldnt
want to admit to getting my ass kicked by a washed up
child actor.
Curtis Springfield: Anybody bigger than Gary
Coleman, cause I think they would probably kick my